Thursday, 13 February 2025


Minister of Trade & Industry Simplex Chithyola and Chinese delegation

Minister of Trade and Industry Simplex Chithyola-Banda has reaffirmed Government’s commitment to ensuring political, economic and social relations between the People’s Republic of China and Malawi are jealously natured and grown from strength to strength for the mutual benefit of the two countries.

Speaking in Lilongwe on Monday when he met a high-powered delegation of the Government of Human Province People’s Republic of China Chithyola-Banda said since 2007 Malawi has witnessed increased number of Chinese investors in trading, manufacturing, mining, construction, agriculture and many other sectors.

Chithyola-Banda said during the sixteen years diplomatic relations with China Malawi has witnessed unprecedented political, economic and developmental support from China including the establishment of the Economic Cooperation Agreement where Malawi is accorded the privilege to export 98 percent of her products to China at preferential treatment.

He said this year China has accredited eleven Malawian companies to export soya, beans and tea among others and was looking forward to more companies being accredited.

In his remarks Deputy Director of Asian and African Affairs Division of the Foreign Affairs Office of Human Provincial Peoples Government Lui Tieliang said there are in the country to promote the deeper cooperation that exist between Malawi and China.

He said the big delegation would like to lay a strong foundation for future cooperation and applauded Malawi for opening a consulate in the Provincial capital.  

OAU Day Celebration

 Minister of Trade and Industry, Simplex Chithyola Banda, has said this year’s African Union Day celebration theme, ‘Accelerating the Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),’ resonates deeply with Africa at a time when the continent is striving to recover from external shocks arising from rising international prices of goods and the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chithyola Banda expressed these sentiments today during this year’s African Union (AU) Day celebration at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe, where he was the guest of honour.

He said that AfCFTA, which integrates small and fragmented markets into one larger market to promote trade within AU member states, offers multiple benefits to Africa, including the capacity to boost regional income by 7 percent, equivalent to 450 billion United States Dollars, elevate wage growth, and lift 30 million Africans out of extreme poverty by 2035, among other advantages.

The Minister emphasized that Malawi, as a member state, proudly supports the flagship AU Project, which aligns with the dreams of AU founding fathers to create a united and integrated Africa.

AU Permanent Representative to Malawi, David Pierre applauded AU founding fathers for laying the foundation for the continent’s transformation in terms of social and economic well-being. He called upon all Africans, both on the continent and in the diaspora, to participate in developing the continent in peace, unity, and solidarity.

The event brought together Africans from 15 countries who set up pavilions to showcase their food and products manufactured in their respective countries.

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